A love for teaching young children

Supporting parents in the educating of their child

Thursday, July 7, 2011

from The Mailbox blog--fun catchy way to remember to motivate

It's been awhile since I posted! I need to share this wonderful way to remember the different areas of student motivation. Diane Badden shared this on the new blog at The Mailbox (The Education Center publications for ECE and ELEM teachers). It's also a wonderful way to share at staff meetings and/or respond to directors or principals when they evaluate your teaching.

Motivating students involves 5 areas of the classroom life, interactions between teacher and student(s), environment, and teaching activities. You motivate by using FOAM or being FOAMY:

F = feedback; give each child proper, honest responses
O = opportunity; find ways through the environment and activities to give each child multiple ways each day and/or week to be/feel motivated
A = atmosphere; make the room feel exciting; make the room after large group areas and small group and if at all possible even some private spots; also find many ways to have each child's name and/or photo throughout the room (and not just for labeling their backpack hook or cubby space or desk)
M = meaningful; show children the value in what they are learning; why are we learning this letter, this sound, this shape?
Y = yippee; create fun interesting ways to show life's joy; change elements in your classroom frequently, too; that shows everyone your interest in your teaching--I was always advised by my college education professors to not have bulletin boards up for more than 6 weeks with older students; in ECE=2-3 weeks; classroom rules, safety reminders, schedule, and calendar are the key items to leave up all year

So keep this word image in your head each day as you teach and interact with students in your classroom--I've got to be FOAMY with student motivation!!!