Just not for children in daycare or preschool or school settings
Young children tend to rise early so they need to be in bed ready to sleep at these times.
It is not fair to the family dynamics if you force all the children in the household to go to bed at the same time. Children require more sleep than adults. And by teen years, their body clocks sometimes shift and some require as much sleep as preschool-age and others will shift to late night owl status but struggle to be perky at 7 a.m. The educational and medical communities of professionals agree that there are ages and stages for developmentally appropriate practice. These bedtimes are part of that DAP for preschool and kinder age children:Age..................................... Suggested bedtime
3.....................................................7:15 p.m.
4.....................................................7:30 p.m.
5.....................................................7:45 p.m.
6.....................................................8:00 p.m.
For each birthday milestone after age 6 continue to add 15 minutes. I've seen some children put themselves to bed long before their usual time and even before either parent hints that it's getting close to beddy-bye time. If they are tired from being out of routine, make an adjustment with an earlier bedtime for a night or two. Same for when they are sick, battling a new tooth cutting in, having leg cramps due to a growth spurt, bedtime may need adjusted to an earlier time.
Also children like to have structure and a routine for bedtime, so try to keep that consistent, too. They feel secure and loved when consistent household routines are kept. Laying out clothes for next day, putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, washing face, reading a book or listening to a lullaby tape, dim the lights, and then tucked into bed with a kiss and a hug.
Pleasant dreams.